Open Enrollment
In addition to this website, the Benefits Service Center is another benefits resource for enrollment assistance, benefits questions, and Annual Open Enrollment assistance. Trained Benefits Specialists are available to answer your questions and process your enrollment by calling (877) 395-4741.
General Resources
Important benefits information can be found under this Resources page. In addition to this website, the Benefits Service Center is another benefits resource for enrollment assistance, benefits quesitons, and Annual Open Enrollment assistance. Trained Benefits Specialists are available to answer your questions by calling (877) 395-4741.
State Health Benefit Plan (SHBP)
Locating an In-Network Provider
To locate an In-Network Provider, click the link below for the applicable carrier.
Contact State Health Benefit Plan at (800) 610-1863 or visit the State Health Website.
Telemedicine/Virtual Visits
Anthem Members - contact LiveHealthOnline at (888) 548-3432 or visit the LiveHealthOnline Website
United Healthcare Members - contact United Healthcare at (888) 364-6352 or download the United Healthcare app
Employment Separations
Several benefits provided by the Baldwin County School District may remain accessible for a specific duration following your departure from the district. Please examine the available Continuation of Coverage choices outlined in the BCSD Separation Information document for further details.
Employee Assistance Program
Health Advocate: All Benefits Eligible Employees
Contact the Employee Assistance Program at (877) 851-1631 or the Health Advocate webpage.
Locating an In-Network Provider
To locate a participating MetLife provider, visit www.metlife.com/dental, and click on "Find a participating dentist" from the first section. Select the PDP Plus network type and enter your location, and then follow the search instructions.
Contact MetLife
Contact MetLife at (800) 942-0854 or visit www.metlife.com/dental.
Locating an In-Network Provider
To locate a participating MetLife provider, visit www.metlife.com and choose "Find a Vision Provider," and a network drop down box will display. Select the "MetLife Superior Network," enter your location, and click submit.
Contact MetLife Vision
Contact MetLife at (855) 638-3931 or visit www.metlife.com/vision.
Flexible Spending (FSA) - Medcom
Healthcare FSA Reimbursement
Click here to go to the Medcom website.
Click here for a list of eligible Healthcare FSA items.
Contact Medcom
Contact Medcom at (800) 523-7542, option 1 or via email at medcomreceipts@medcombenefits.com.
Life Insurance
Portability and Conversion Forms
You have the opportunity to continue your life insurance benefit should you terminate employment with Baldwin County Schools. You may either port your policy to an individual term life plan or convert your policy to a whole life plan upon termination. Additional information regarding these two options may be obtained by contacting MetLife.
To apply, submit the Portability or Conversion forms to MetLife within 31 days of your employment termination date in order to ensure your coverage can continue.
Contact MetLife
Contact MetLife at (800) 438-6388 or visit www.metlife.com.
Critical Illness
Contact MetLife
Contact MetLife at (800) 438-6388 or visit www.mybenefits.metlife.com.
Group Legal
Contact Allstate Legal
Contact Allstate Legal at 800-356-5297 or visit https://www.allstate.com/allstate-benefits/legal-insurance.aspx
Identity Theft
Contact Equifax ID Watchdog
Contact Equifax ID Watchdog at (866) 513-1518 or visit www.idwatchdog.com.
Retirement & Savings
For questions or additional information, contact the applicable carrier below.
Teacher's Retirement (TRS) at (800) 352-0650 | TRS Member's Guide
Public School Employees Retirement System (PSERS) at (800) 805-4609 | PSERS Handbook
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for All Eligible Employees
Baldwin County Schools, in partnership with the Georgia Department of Education, provides an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for employees working 29 hours or more per week and their eligible household members. You can find contact information for the Acentra Health EAP below:
Website: Visit eaphelplink.com and enter code GADOE
Phone: (866) 279-5177